01-29-2002, 12:39 AM
Got the game a few days ago..its ok I suppose, not as good as I thought it would be...but Im playing it and have a few questions.
Is there a mod or a way to turn down the respawning of badguys? its OK if they still respawn some, but some places like the U-Boat base and the infinite dogs at the manor and the RocketLAuncher destruction mission really get ridiculous with the respawning.
Im in the SniperTown Mission now....and i just cleared out a building with called HOTEL...how much more of this level is there? I dont mind sniping the snipers, to a point, but my insanely stupid tank crew gets killed shortly after....how much longer do I have to defend these idiots?
Also....its not much really, but the cheat codes for all weapons dont seem to work quite right...some guns have no sound that should. Its not much and I usually dont use this, but I just tested it out and now it bothers me that it doesnt work.
Thanks in advance!