Well, I've got one picked out. Chico state. Going fall 05.
Transfering as a junior. Major in business, might minor in computers. Staying in the upper classmen dorms (whoohoo, theyre cool. They have their own pool, you get your own room, etc)
Working and taking community college classes untill then.
I've avoided the whole highschool scene, so what can I expect?
Tell me about it
Also, what do you think about this laptop:
http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/cmo ... id=1291021
The p25-s676
It seems it only goes to 16m colors... is that normal for laptops? Does it matter?
I work at a computer store, but I dont know laptops at all. If there are better, within a similar price range, point me towards it.