08-08-2004, 03:32 PM
Right so I'm at the library to check out FAST FOOD NATION and NO LOGO right, and I get up to the checkout counter, and I have to use my LISCENCE since I lost my library card (I didnt lose it just misplaced it and dont like looking for things). So I hand it to her and ask her how would I get a new card and shes like - oh this card is expired. . .by one FUCKING month. And I'm like well I just checked books out here this week they didnt have a problem then. And shes like well we cant issue you a new card. And I'm like ok well can you just check me out - and shes like no. And I'm like what the fuck. If I had my Lib Card you would KNOW my id is expired and would have to check me out so whats the fucking difference? And shes like "thats just the rules sir". And Im like Ma'm (cause you have to call them Ma'm before you let the f-bombs drop) why would I try to use an expired card to get library books? Am I gonna sell them on the negro-black-book-market? And then she gives that answer that we've all gave before "if you'd like I can get my supervisor" - I refrain from telling her no please dont exert yourself by getting up.
So I leave and I'm pissed and I try to think of a way to get this bitch back. When I get home I look for this fucking card like a madman and manage to find it pretty damn fast. So now I'm headed back to this library (just two blocks away) to shove my card in her face. Dumb illogical fucking bitch.
[quote:b4f2a]Does every damn thing have to involve race for you? Jesus christ.[/quote:b4f2a]
Racism isnt always overt sonny-jim despite what the Klan and Confederate flag would have you believe. Eminem is racist. "Girlfriends" the show is racist. More than a few "good guys" on this forum are racist. Democrats are racist.
Was she one? Who knows. But considering that this is the first person in a MONTH to even bother with to ask me about my ID (which I didnt know had expired - noones fault but mine) I have to raise my eyebrow at this being so much of an issue since a) I've been in this library a gazillion damn times, b) I checked out a gazillion damn books with the same id and c) the sheer absurdity of someone using an expired library card to get free books is almost unheard of - you've got to wonder if shes "just doing her job" or what. Lets not mention that I came in faded jeans, a low-rent cotton t-shirt, and sandles I wouldnt be suprised if she took me for one of the bums hanging out in front of the building (one of whom was reading a porno - that made the trip worthwhile). I went back in wearing the same clothes - the same blackness - and presented my ID. Nothing she could do then could she? I was hoping shed make an issue out of having seen my "expired card" but she didnt. I thought TOO LATE to smear some red dye or something on the card before I came in, but oh well - hindsight is 20/20.
That happened to me once, but when I went back with my card the librarian took off her
glasses, undid some shirt buttons, shook her hair free and was totally hot about, yeah....