01-30-2002, 11:29 AM
I can truly understand when a person ask's for something and you know that the outcome may be molitious (excuse the spelling)
however when a person ask's for some genuine help becaust they truly don't know I think its unfair to call them moron...cheater...and some names that I wont mention....heres what happened.
I dont have the A1 system that mabey everyone else has but its all i can afford and I do like to play my FPS games.
the speed may be a little slow but thats just the way it is !!!
Whwn I get to a part of the game that either too difficult or my system cant take it i will if i can use a cheat to get past it so I can enjoy the rest of the game.
So i buy MOHAA and I get to the part wrere you're in the jeep and you have to kill all the baddies to get to the next level..... well i cant by the time i aim they move and i have to lead them enough to get a good shot....by the time I'm half way throught the level I'm dead !!!!!
I've tryed for hours .....
I go to the gamespy forum to get help to find the cheat to go to god mode, and all i get is taunts and insults....Is this fair ???
I mean I'm not rich, but i do enjoy the game....please help......
No matter where you go........ ther you are !!!!