Big Joe Polka Show -
09-13-2004, 12:35 AM
Anybody ever watch thios show? It comes on RFD-TV, on Dish-Network. It is one of the channels that is like 9000 something. Man it is bad, yet it makes me sexy tummy laugh. What I can't tell if it is 1985, or 2004. It says 2004 on the program info, yet it looks 1985. Also at the end of one of the shows it said copywrite RFD-TV 1989. Yet some shows say Copyrite 2000. The thing is, the RFD-TV website said it(The Station) launched in 2000, and in one episode a guy had a pamplet up by his music that said RFD-TV. SO does anybody know if RFD-TV was around before 2000, or when the Big Joe Polka show was made? If they are new I think Ill poop my pants.