01-31-2002, 10:58 AM
Maybe they always were. But on Monday it was Round Match - where you die and can't get up like objective but with much better maps.
Tuesday it was Team Match - where you run around like a maniac cause you can respawn all you want. Which has no real strategy.
Last night it was Objective - like all the other CPR servers. Fun, but same old maps over and over and over.
And now I am told they are staying with Objective.
This is too bad. It is the only server I know of that has at least 20 players which uses the CPR Realistic Damage Model AND has Friendly Fire ON that would use the Round-based match.
As much as I like playing Omaha the other maps like Algeria, Southern France, Remagen and especially the Snowy Park are just far better than the Hunt (played to death after the demo), the Bridge (which is included in Round Match and gets old too), V2 (my personal least favorite).
Isnt there any way to include all of the maps in the rotation etc?