here are a few renders of a m3a1 i did in my spare time yesterday. i just need a uv map then ill put it ingame:
those aint renders mate,
not bad but check the poly, you have wasted segments all over it, extude the wasted verts so it looks rounder or poly chop them.
you can make nice renders its knowing how, goto "sub object" menu and click verts select the face you want to extude scroll down to "extude" and type in how far you want to extude say "5" for example, then you can scale the verts in to make it rounded.
if you can on msn il explain better.
you can make nice renders its knowing how, gotosub object and click verts select the verts you want to extude scroll down to "extude" and type in how far you want to extude say "5" for example, then you can scale the verts in to make it rounded.
if you can on msn il explain better.
o ok thanx for the help! if i can get my msn working again id be honored to have your help!