The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has just recently aired a program called "The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney". I caught about 15 minutes of it tonight, but came into the program late, so I went looking for it on the net. I found it here: ... ed_cb.html
I have not seen the whole thing; however, I know these political "things" strike a chord with us all. Watch it if you want, if you don't want to, don't, but don't start commenting on Dick Cheney this and that, or CBC are communists and hate the US until you actually watch the program we're discussing.
A bit of a download at 354mb, but hopefully it will be worth it to someone. Others might find it a waste of time, but hey, I think it's relevant in today’s world and we all have the right to ask questions.
If you have troubles seeing the video, as I did, download this: