How to submit a file -
11-28-2004, 10:54 AM
"adir" is a web-based file submission and approval system that utilize the existing forum and file management software, to streamline the process of sending, receiving and "posting" mod files.
With adir, there's no need to email the file and wait. Just submit your file, image and documentation by clicking <a href=>here</a> and fill in the file info, and a file moderator will approve the file usually within a few hours.
Below is an illustration of the process:
<img src=/img/adir-1.jpg>
First thing first, login. You need to be a <a href=>registered user</a> to use our system.
<img src=/img/adir-2.jpg>
Here's your file submission panel. It contains your username, email and IP. Your username and email would be posted an the "submitter". Your IP is logged only in case of service abuse.
<img src=/img/adir-3.jpg>
Click "Browse", select the file and send. It must be a zip file, with a .zip extension. It may not exceed 50 MB. For file larger than 50MB, <a>email BadScript</a> for arrangements.
Use a unique filename.
Note: It may take a while on larger uploads, please be patient and do not press cancel or reload.
<img src=/img/adir-4.jpg>
File sent. Proceed to step 2, image.
<img src=/img/adir-5.jpg>
You may skip this process if you submission features no images (like a sound mod) or if you don't want to submit an image. You may only submit a single image, so submit one that represents. If you have more than one images, you're welcomed to include them in the zip file.
Only jpeg and gif formatted files, with .jpg or .gif extension allowed. File may not exceed 500kb.
<img src=/img/adir-6.jpg>
Ditto image. Only plain text files with a .txt format. File may not exceed 100kb. Please use line breaks. readme.txt is obviously taken so use a unique filename.
<img src=/img/adir-7.jpg>
Now it's time to fill in the file info. Remember to select the right category. If it's for a specific expansion, put it on the description (ie "for UO only!" or "For both Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam"). You may leave "Author" and "Author email" blank if it's you who made the file, in other words, if the author and the submitter is the same person.
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Everyting alright? Send. Otherwise, click "Edit" to edit.
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If everything goes right, you should see this screen.
<img src=/img/adir-10.jpg>
You file info's been posted onto our respective "MMS submission and approval" forum. Here, other users can drool over your file by viewing your submitted image and documentation while waiting for a file moderator to approve your file. They will NOT be able to download your file until a moderator approves it.
<img src=/img/adir-11.jpg>
Your file will also appear on the "Pending files" table on our front page so that our file moderators are aware of it. Clicking on the link will take you to your file thread on our forum.
<img src=/img/adir-12.jpg>
The file moderator's panel. Yeah not as pretty I know. Here they can view your file details (and edit them as they see fit), they will also be able to download your file and test it before they decide to approve, reject or hold your file.
<img src=/img/adir-13.jpg>
Whatever they decided to do, they will be able to post a "Moderator's Comment" on your file thread. For example, if they decide to reject your file, they'll be able to tell you the reason (the zip file won't decompress, for example).
<img src=/img/adir-14.jpg>
In this example, the file moderator (me) has approved the submitter (me)'s file, with a cool rating too! A cool icon will appear on our file database besides my file.
The file thread will stay open for user feedbacks.
<img src=/img/adir-15.jpg>
My file is now downloadable on the file database. With my posted file details, file thread, documentation and screenshot available to our users. Users can also rate on my file.
The file name will also appear on the "Approved Files" box on index page so users are aware of new incoming files.
Click <a href=>here</a> to submit your file!
That's it! beer: