Hello everybody, i created a mod called doghunt.. but im on a problem.. and i hope i'll get here my wanted answers.. if someone can help me i will post the last release of the serverside mod here!
to my question..:
i need to have the file which includes the deathmsg's.. like "player" shot "player" in the upper left leg.. i right want to edit this msg's.. its the last thing i got to do.. then its final!
can someone tell me how this file is called? and in which pack its included.. also the directory if possible..
Its a serverside mod which adds dogs in Stalingrad (more maps will follow)
the dogs have 2000 health and are hard to kill. you have 2 types of weapon, Rifles with scope and Snipers. the sniper does 500 damage per shot but it has just 5 rounds, the rifles of both sides (allies n axis) are modded.. this means i added normal reload to the m1 and a higher cooldown. its more like the kar now. both rifles (m1, Kar) have got scopes which are set to 30 (means lower zoom then the normal sniperscopes).
1 Grenade is available which (will if someone can tell me in which file i can edit this)do exactly 2000 damage. its ment as a last chance to kill a dog.
Both pistols have 12 rounds per clip and u can bash from a distance of 500 means in reality 5 meters. but 1 bash takes only 5 damage, its only ment for takin the dog away of you. the dog itself does 40 damage per bite. so you gotta be fast with killing them. if you wait a long time, the dogs will get more and more. i added a script wich spawns more dogs while the players are killing the existing dogs.
This were some little informations about the mod. More will come soon!
doesn't sound like anything new i haven't already done in mohaa mp demo. sounds also like ur pretty much just releasing a weapons' mod cuz the dogs in stock maps isn't anything new. would be cool if you'd add moe than 2 dogs to the map happy: but yeah, sounds more like a weapons mod since i and others used to host with dogs in servers.