
02-01-2002, 04:10 AM
If I could have one MOHAA server with all my wishes coming true it would be like this. . .
First off I don't like the V2 map at all. It and the Bridge are the most boring maps. But I would not mind them if you could also have the best maps, which to me are Snowy Park and Southern France.
Anyway, my ideal, perfect server would be like this:
* CPR (the Realistic Damage Model)
* Friendly Fire (which forces people to be careful and act at least a little like soldiers), as for team killers the moment someone drops to minus 4 kills they are automatically booted and not allowed in for the remainder of that day. We all make mistakes and kill someone by accident. But, even if you are not a Team Killer, if you are stupid enough to take out 4 teammates with a bad nade or rocket no one wants you there anyway.
* Objective spawning (with or without objectives on the map). In other words your team all spawns some place away from the enemy.
* Maps would be Algeria, Snowy Park, Ruined Village, Southern France, Remagen, and Omaha just for fun (and that would be Omaha without snipers or shotguns). If you could not add objectives to those maps, then just have those maps be Round Match, only with spawn sites like the Objective maps, so you don¡¦t have to quick draw the enemy soldier who spawns right next to you.
* Each map would last three rounds, so you could have two-out-of-three mini-matches for people who actually care about "who wins".
* Like two days a week there would be 4 rounds on each map but the teams would automatically switch sides from Allies to Axis every two rounds.
If I could have things programmed the way I would best prefer I would also have the weapons distribution set up like this:
* Like in real life, grenade distribution is random. So that 40% spawn with 2 grenades; 20% spawn with 1 and 20% with 3 grenades; 10% spawn with 4 grenades and 10% with none at all. On a 10-man team you would have four men with 2 nades, two men with 3 nades and two men with 1 nade, and of the remaining two men, one would get 4 nades and the other would get none at all. So each round you would spawn with a different amount from zero to 4 and make the best of what you got.
* Real weapons distribution that suggests real life, but still keeps it fun. You pick your preferred weapon but you only get it if it becomes available. For instance, there are only so many snipers allowed so you have to take turns. If you asked for sniper rifle but it was not available then you have a random chance of getting a rifle or submachine gun.
Once you get the weapon of your choice you only keep it as long as you survive. If you live through the round, you get to remain a sniper for the next one. If you are killed it goes back into the weapons rotation pool. But if only one or two people on your team pick Sniper Rifle as their preferred weapon, you would get to be a sniper often, just not every single round. This really only effects the specialist weapons. If you prefer an M-1 or Mauser you are likely to get it all the time.
* In this scenario the majority of MOHAA weapons are made up of traditional small arms: rifles and submachine guns. For every ten players on a team there is ONE sniper, ONE shotgun and ONE rocket launcher. The amount of heavier machine guns is also kept to a realistic ratio. You would have to have at least 4 people on your team to get a sniper, 8 people to have a shotgun, 10 people to have a rocket launcher. In other words there would not be games where there are 6 snipers for every smg!
How many of each weapon allowed would be determined like this:
The number being the Number of Men on a Team:
1 - rifle/submachine gun
2 - rifle/submachine gun
3 - machine gun
4 - sniper rifle
5 - rifle/submachine gun
6 - rifle/submachine gun
7 - machine gun
8 - shotgun
9 - rifle/submachine gun
10 - rocket launcher
11 - rifle/submachine gun
12 - rifle/submachine gun
13 - machine gun
14 - sniper rifle
15 - rifle/submachine gun
16 - machinegun
17 - shotgun
18 - rocket launcher
(This just means the weapons available. The 18th guy on the team is not FORCED to have a rocket launcher.)
* In this case, a 10-man team would have 5 rifles and/or submachine guns, 2 machine guns, 1 sniper, 1 shotgun, 1 rocket launcher. A 15-man team would have 8 rifles and/or submachine guns, 3, machine guns, 2 snipers, 1 shotgun, 1 rocket launcher. If no one picked shotgun, sniper or rocket launcher there would be more small arms or machine guns, NOT more specialized weapons.
* So if you had a full 36-man server, with 18 on a side you would end up with one team having the following:
8 Rifles or Submachine Guns
4 Machine Guns
2 Snipers
2 Shotguns
2 Rocket Launchers
However, you could always have more smgs or mgs. The only real limitations would be placed on Sniper Rifles, Shotguns and Rocket Launchers.
It would be programmed so the players themselves would be placed in a line from #1 to whatever the number of players on the team. Each round the player who is in the #1 seed gets first choice. After that round they move to the end of the line. But you do not have to have a top seed to get your weapon of preference. If you were #5 in line and you wanted a sniper rifle, but #1, 2, 3, 4 all picked Thompsons and BARs and M1s you would still get your sniper rifle. So once players moved up into the top 8 slots or so they would have a pretty good chance of getting their preferred weapon most of the time. You would be rewarded for staying alive by keeping your weapon of choice as long as you survive the round.
Omaha Beach would not have this distribution as snipers and shotguns would not be available. And anyone can pick from the other weapons as they wish.
I hope I am explaining this in a way that is easily understood.
Again, I am not saying ALL servers should do this. But I think there would be a very large population of players who would like a game that allowed all weapons but in a ratio that put the emphases on small arms and infantry tactics; and less on super scopes and Quake-style charge and dance attacks.
I also know that the current technology appears to be such that you can not ban snipers from one map and not others (too bad!). Anyway, this is just a wish list.
What do you think of mine, and what would you have on yours?
[This message has been edited by Die Fledermause (edited February 01, 2002).]