02-08-2002, 03:04 AM
Performed something funny when I finally reached the Bazooka-Medic stage. (Saving all five men in Hard Mode in Sniper town). When the timer started, I ran to the V-shaped 3 story building near the beginning. Ran up to the second floor bedroom, jumped out of the bedroom down to the steet and ran to that room next to the overpass near the city hall. When mister medic started tracing my route, yes..he finally got up to the bedroom..stood there for a second and a message "lost trail" was displayed. He went back down to street, literally running around town for 5 minutes before reacquiring my trail. Watched him trace me to my hiding place, message "I found you" was displayed, and that snot literally tip-toed up the stairs and got me. What was also funny...when he was searching for my trail, at one point he stopped and put his hand above his eye (as you would do to shield the sun) and moved his head side to side looking for me. Also noted, watching him sniff the trail, it looks like there's a command to change the point of reference in 3rd person mode. At times, the point of view was behind, then to the side and finally the front. Anybody know what that is?