For some reason i have never really had sucess in hosting games but ive sorta lived with it etc, but its getting to be a pain in the ass, so could some1 tell me what i have to do to get it so i can host games? I have zonealams security suit if that matters... I know this is probbaly a noobish question for some of u, but im not exactly a wiz at computers soooo... Help would be greatly appreciated.
You will need to open some ports on your router to allow the traffic to your computer... look on a support site for the games to find the exact ports you need to open.
usually routers have a admin screen where you can set them up to accept incoming connections on certain ports and forward to the computer acting as the server ... this is usually done under "dmz host" or something along those lines ... if you want to host and your enternal ip is : for instance you would make yourself or the ip the dmz host and forward traffic on whatever port the game runs on to the dmz host.
On Belkin routers you can set your computer outside to receive all traffic. It is called the DMZ zone. It's easy to turn on and off, all the instructions are in the manual.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
all right thnx guys, i figured it out, to a certain extent lol. I have opened the necessary ports but for some reason, nevertheless, whenever i use my router it wont work. However, since it works when i connect directly to the modem, ill just do that for now until i can figure out how to configure my router. Thnx all for ur help.