Objective match with Respawn on.
My own opinion, is that I think it totally sucks!!!
Why? Read on.
My favorite server (
http://www.4guys.com T3 Houstonv1.1) , seems to have switched from straight objective match, to obj match with respawn.
I think it totally screws up the balance & incentives in an objective match. You have
no incentive to try to stay alive, you have
no incentive for teamwork, it is
nothing more than a Team DM server now, with objectives thrown in. The
objectives really mean
nothing now. It doesnt feel like you've accomplished anything when you win. Usually the defending team wins,
no skill involved.
There are far many more TDM servers out there, just look in any server list. IMO people who like respawn, can play on one of those. I do sometimes, when I'm in more of a hurry (limited time to play) & don't wanna wait till the end of a round to play again. But, when I wanna try to use a little strategy & some teamwork & not worried about time, then I play on an objective match server. I enjoy it alot more than straight DM or TDM.
I really liked that server alot. Was a regular on there, & always saw someone I had seen there before each & every time I went there. Not to mention, this is a server that has a 40 player limit. It lags a bit *sometimes* when full (as it usually is except for late at night), & with people respawning all the time it lags even more.
Ok, granted, this is more of getting it off my chest about that one server. I'm gonna have to find a new fav unless they switch back. But it made me think, & I post this because I would hate to see this become the norm on objective servers in general. I can deal with it on Omaha, but not on the other maps, where it is not the normal mode of play.