The newest realism mod
Crow King's CKR realism mod v1.0
is here. I am in no way affiliated with Crow King but I have played this mod and it's awesome. I only played it on one server that had it is by far the most realistic and authentic WW2 Mohaa mod of them all.
Here are the details directly form the details.txt file in the mod.
* Grenades: You start with 3 and they can be thrown a bit further.
* Bazooka: You are limited to 3 shells, move slower and must take time to wrap the shell wire when reloading (about 9 sec total reload time) since you're not working in a team.
* Bazooka Shell: Much faster, leaves less smoke trail.
* Panzerschrek: You are limited to 3 shells, move slower, and must take time to pull both triggers when reloading (about 6 sec total reload time) since you're not working in a team.
* Panzerschrek Shell: Much faster (but not as fast as the bazooka).
* BAR: You start with a full bandolier (12 clips / 240 rds), move slower, have a little different recoil, and do the full damage of an 06.
* MP44: You start with two ammo pouches (6 clips / 180 rds), move tiny bit slower (but faster than BAR), and do more damage.
* M1 Garand: You start with two bandoliers (16 clips / 128 rds), move at full speed and do the full damage of an 06.
* KAR 98k: You start with 2 ammo pouches (12 strippers / 60 rds), move at full speed and do the full damage of a 7.92x57.
* Kar 98k Sniper: You start with 2 ammo pouches (60 rds), move at full speed, work the bolt as fast as the Kar 98k, shoot a little more accurately with the scope, take longer to reload and do the full damage of a 7.92x57.
* 03A4 Springfield: You start with 1 bandolier (60 rds), move at full speed, have the right scope power (2.5x), take longer to reload and do the full damange of an 06.
* M1A1 Thompson: You start with 2 ammo pouches (6 clips / 180 rds), have a little different recoil, move at full speed and do more damange (not quite as much as the MP44).
* MP40: You start with 2 ammo pouches (6 clips / 192 rds), have a little different recoil, move at full speed and do more damage (less than the Thompson).
* P38: You start with 3 clips (24 rds) and do more damage (same as MP40).
* 1911: You start with 3 clips (21 rds) and do more damange (same as Thompson).
* Shotgun: You start with two boxes of ammo (50rds), have fewer pellets (00 buck has 12 pellets, not 20), take longer to reload and do slightly less damage.
- weapons that do less damage tend to have higher rates of fire.
- The damage done by each round is as follows:
9mm: 60
.45 ACP: 75
7.92x33: 80
30-06: 104
7.92x57: 106
12gauge: 185 (15 per .38 caliber pellet)
This mod eliminates the Omaha beach allied snipers problem, the shotgun problem, and the rocket launcher problem, and the grenade spamming problem.
You have to fear being shot now because weapons are as lethal as they should have been all along. The game no longer feals like a slow version of quake in WW2 clothing.
Give it a try. Server admins check this one out.