Originally Posted by Acideyez
... good student discount (3.57 GPA).
You go boy. rock:
Here's a bit to explain were I'm getting my info from, cause someone ALWAYS throws a fit.
I sold cars for about a year in Maryland, I worked for a very large dealership that sold: Chevy, Caddies, Olds, Buick, Toyota, Pontiac, & Vetts. I also sold Used cars at the dealership. I went to countless sales seminars & classes on automotive value and salesmanship & sold several cars... never a vett though. annoy:
Anyway, here are a few things to keep in mind when making your decision:
.Statistics show that Americans, on average re-sell thier cars every 2 and half years. So chances are that you will not have this car for ten years. Here is why that is important:
Every year your car loses 10% of its value.Thats an estimate too, some cars hold better than others, but even a brand new Seville (High-end Cadillac) can lose as much as 25% after five years.
So if you want to sell your car, your gonna get the most for it if it's newer.
.Since you will not be paying for the car, I'm not gonna get into finacing and all that, but you should mention to your Great-Aunt that if she pays cash...shouldn't she get a discount? May work..may not.
Since all you will be paying for is insurance and gas, gas is a big deal. Take into consideration how much it would cost to fill-up vs. how much driving you will be doing. You said no big trips, so that takes some concern away from that though.
.Personal taste. We all "see" something in our cars, expecially at your age, so styling and performace will likley be your biggest selling point. And that is gonna be something only you can judge. But here is a tip: Being seen as a homo for the car you drive is childish, and once you get out of school it won't matter. Judge on what you like, damn the man.
With cost out of the picture, I'd say your best choice would be whatever you like best style and performance wise.
Hope I helped.