Originally Posted by Merlin122
forget the other resident evils. get resident evil 4. You won't be displeased.
Isnt that the one where your in mexico fighting off crazed paco's
ps...my voice is like gone playing the mic game...lol "RUN RUN RUN jump JUMP!!"
PPS...middle of playing this black kid who lives above us who is like 14-15 and I have never talked too comes down and knocks on our door and hes like, what system you playing? Oh I got that, i got alot of games for it but im kinda bored of them, what games you got, you can borrow some of mine if you want"
IM like ...WTF It led me to believe he either A wanted me to invite him in to play with us calmdown: or B casing the joint to steal our shit... spank: