Originally Posted by Boomstick
thanx duffy, ya the game sounded like a big time failure, which is surprising because it incorporated the havoc engine in it, i guess no one likes the pacific campaign. Who can blame them though, it's quite boring, i'd much rather europe. I can't wait to the Medal of Honor Airborne, i think that could be good.
I've kinda abandoned all hope with the MOH series. MOHAA is one of my favorite games out there, but Spearhead was a dissapointment, and the MOHPA demo which I played, while really nice looking, was such standard fare for FPS games, there was nothing new and cool about it like MOHAA was when it first came out.
Call of Duty is my new lover. rock: I'v never been so awed by the awesome intensity during some of the levels. That game sucked me in.