It looks like some of the quake-kiddie neanderthals have pooled their lunch money to buy a URL. I guess its only a matter of time before they discover MOH. My wingman spotted this and we're spreading the word.
There is apparently a group forming in cyberspace that is dedicated to
harassing on-line gamers on various platforms. Check them out at
This is what they're posting as a "warning" on line:
General Info
[myg0t] is a group. We are simple people who try to fulfill our mission.
Our mission is to take over the world. Can you say "Project Mayhem"? There
are many ways that we can sucessfully do this. Our only friend is chaos...
Essentially for fun. We enjoy ruining your game and fun. We just would
love to see your face when you are getting annoyed and you are angered.
What could be more enjoyable? If you are pissed we win. I guess we are just
self-centered and find fun in ruining other people's fun. We don't care. We
have concluded that this is how we can obtain the most fun out of these
games. Cheating also helps piss you off, we will try to keep the site and
links up to date with the most current cheats and etc. We know you can't be
too pleased when you are trying to have a nice game of CS and someone runs
up to you in a split-second and stabs you 20 times in a half a second, or
when bullets are hitting you when there is no enemy in sight just to find
out he was camping at the backside of a box. We enjoy pissing you off.
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Get to the dday map, or any other map in which dynamite is to be planted.
Spawn the very first round as an allied engineer. Wait untill another
engineer plants dynamite on the sea wall, or the door. When you see the red
flashing, that indicates they have armed the detpack. Rush up to the
dynamite they have planted, and calmly begin to defuse your teammates
dynamite. Then set your dynamite at the same place. When your dynamite
explodes, you get the points for breaching the sea wall rather than your
teammate - this will cause excellent rage.
Spawn as an allied engineer. After pissing your teamate off by swapping
out dynamite, proceed inside the bunker to the left (on dday map). Then,
step up to the enemy machine guns planted inside the bunker. If they have
been blown out, repair them and you will recieve 2 points (even though they
are enemy drones). Now, take control of the guns and begin
firing upon your allies spawning at the beach. You may get kicked for to
many friendly fires, so be sure you have the server in your favorites list,
so you can come right back.
Teamkilling is a vital part of harrassment. Spawn as either axis or allied
soldier. Whip out your sniper rifle and get into a corner where your
teammates can't see you. Now, take aim at their head, and fire. They won't
know what hit them. Also, team injuring can sometimes rage people even
more. Simply keep shooting them untill their health drops to about 10, then
leave them to die. You can easily get a list of RTCW servers with FF on, by
filtering FF servers in the multiplayer filter
Stealing is also a virtue of harrassment. I like to do this on the map
where you have to steal the 'secret obelisk'. Simply work your way with a
teammate to the coffin where the obelisk is inside. If your teammate grabs
it before you, shoot him a few times in the head until he dies, then walk
over his body and steal the item he was carrying. This works on many maps.
Join a server that has friendlyfire on and be a medic on any team. When
you spawn, kill your teammate, go up to him while hes requesting a medic,
and revive him. As soon as you revive him, kill him again. Repeat this
about 6 times. Revive him one last time, then take out a grenade and drop
it on his foot.