08-12-2005, 11:14 PM
omg im in tears
[quote:9afe7]This is completely true...
I was working at a fast food restaurant which shall remain nameless, in the middle of the summer. It happened to be on a day that the District Manager was visiting. So it's the middle of lunch, we're swamped, as usual. All of a sudden the restrooms back up and this disgusting filth starts to seep through the grate in the middle of the grill. As close to raw sewage as you can get. District Manager flips out, and proceeds to set in motion quite possibly the funniest series of events I've ever seen.
Step 1.
Get a fan to blow the rancid smell back into the grill so the customers don't smell it.
Step 2.
Get this poor thing who works there to start to clean it up. Now this guy's mid 30s, a little slow, been there forever, and he's overweight. He grabs a MOP & BUCKET to clean up this thick swill that's still coming through the grate. Once the bucket is full (it's thick remember) he starts to push it to the back to empty it. One problem, the floors in those places are REALLY greasy, and he slips, spills the bucket and lands on his hands & knees in the swill. Proceeds to stand up, look at himself and then vomits all over himself.
Step 3.
Now the Manager's angry that the swill is still coming through the grate, there's a mess on the floor, and dopey vomited. He convinces him to "Hurry up and clean up, and get the wet dry vac" After he's cleaned himself up he starts using the vacuum on the grate where there is STILL sewage coming up. That's when the best part happens.
Step 4.
"Take off the grate, and stick the hose of the vacuum down there and suck it up". Genius. It actually worked at first because the hole was a perfect fit for the vacuum hose...for about 5 minutes. Once the suction had built up enough, the ENTIRE hose was sucked into the hole, and the vacuum is now on it's side splashing around, splashing this stuff everywhere.
I walked out after that. Couldn't contain anymore laughter. I swear this really happened. Summer 1990.[/quote:9afe7]