So at college, I have 3 roomates. It's pretty fun despite the high level of cock in the dorm room. Sean, one of my roomates, seems to be the dorky kinda kid that has to have a say in everything. He tries to go out with the guys and drinks to be cool. Well the other night he brought home this but ugly girl. We found out later the next morning that she rubbed his cock. He bragged about it...but I think with his lack of experience he made a big two big mistakes. First and foremost, the girl looks like a dude. She acts like a dude. We think she's a dude (not really, but you get my point). Secondly, he said he shot his load in his pants and slept in them. WTF! loooooooool So he thought he was being cool, but he was just a dipshit.
So for the past 48 hours the whole dorm foor has been busting on him for it. Here's a picture of the girl. I'll put it in html code so I don't scare anyone that's not ready for the picture:
So now we're determined to fuck with him to make sure he never does it again. He leaves his PC logged on all the time. I wanted to think of some pranks to do to him.
Here are some things that I just did:
1.) took that picture and made it his background. Then I took a screen shot of his background and made the screenshot the background....but I deleted the icons. So when he tries to click the "icons" nothing will happen since it's just a picture of the icon
2.) He's an idiot and stored his AIM/AOL password. I went on and made his buddy icon that girl's head. lmao
3.) I made his window's logon icon that girl's head. I also made his account named Jessica Pian..(her name).
4.) I put tape over his optical mouse so it won't move.
5.) I made his homepage the picture of that girl
6.) I added lemonparty to his favorites.
7.) I made his screen saver say "I like chicks with dicks"
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What other pranks can I do to him regarding this girl? I want them to be totally reversable. Nothing major. I'm not going to defrag his C drive or anything like that.
Also, what are some other good pranks to pull on roomates?