United Offensive Dedicated Server Listing -
09-22-2004, 07:27 AM
If any of you have a server of your own, add it in here so we can all join and own your shitty clan biggrin:
<Server name>
<Server IP>
<Game type/types played>
<Amount of players>
<Server settings-SV_Pure 1/0, FF on/off, sniper/no sniper, etc.>
<Mods running>
<Extra Info- SW Enabled, Pub TS/Vent offered, etc.>
<Clan/Server homepage link>
<Server location-US,UK, elsewhere>
If you have more than one server, add it in aswell.
If you have a REGULAR CoD Server, you can post it here too, but kindly lable it appropriately. Thanks