I seem to be having no end of techno problems today;
1) MSN doesnt work. I clikc on the execute file, and nothing happens. My cursor tells me its working for a second or two, then nothing. In task manager under processes, I can see the msnmsgr.exe is running. WTF is wrong herE?
2) Hotmail crashes my internet explorer.
3) My USB stick isnt working. My dad, a mechanical engineer, says that its a power issue, but doesnt know how to solve it. All I know is I plug it in, and the status light stays off, and the computer doesnt realize anthings been plugged in. Ive tried it with several computers, none of which work. All my imprtant documents are on this stick.
would it help to know that hotmail crashes after I sign in, at that "MSN Today" page? Its not my computer, and I really dont want to reformat
And rebooting, yea. Twice.
EDIT: Evidently third times the charm oOo:
except that my USB stick is still dead. It looks like it got a surge and melted the conductive gel, so the circuit is dead. Ill have to find a way to close the circuit.
except that my USB stick is still dead. It looks like it got a surge and melted the conductive gel, so the circuit is dead. Ill have to find a way to close the circuit.