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chain letters
mr.miyagi is Offline
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Default chain letters - 12-07-2005, 07:41 PM

Don't you just hate them? if its not the odd one in my email its some dumb bitch leavin one on my yahoo messenger shiat.
Do you get them, do you ever take them seriously, I sincerely hope not.....anyways, I found this funny.

Hello, my name is Basmati Kasaar. I am suffering from rare and deadly diseases, poor scores on final exams, extreme virginity, fear of being kidnapped and executed by anal electrocution, and guilt for not forwarding out 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe that if you send them on, then that poor 6 year old girl in Arkansas with a breast on her forehead will be able to raise enough money to have it removed before her redneck parents sell her off to the travelling freak show.

Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and everyone you send "his" email to $1000?

How stupid are you? Ooooh, lookyhere! If I scroll down this page and make a wish, I'll get laid by every Playboy model in the magazine! What a bunch of bullshit. So basically, this message is a big F*CK YOU to all the people out there who have nothing better to do than to send me stupid chain mail forwards. Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my apartment and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing the chain which was started by Jesus in 5 A.D. and was brought to this country by midget pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes it to the year 2000, it'll be in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest continuous streak of blatant stupidity.

Fuck them.

If you're going to forward something, at least send me something mildly amusing. I've seen all the "send this to 50 of your closest friends, and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will somehow receive a nicke from some omniscient being" forwards about 90 times. I don't f*cking care.

Show a little intelligence and think about what you're actually contributing to by sending out forwards. Chances are it's your own unpopularity.


Chain Letter Type 1:

* (scroll down)

* Make a wish!!!

* No, really, go on and make one!!!

* Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!!

* Wish something else!!!

* Not that, you pervert!!

* Is your finger getting tired yet?

* STOP!!!!

* Wasn't that fun?

Hope you made a great wish

Now, to make you feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of all, if you don't send this to 5096 people in the next 5 seconds, you will be raped by a mad goat and thrown off a high building into a pile of manure. It's true!

Because, THIS letter isn't like all of those fake ones, THIS one is TRUE!!

Really!!! Here's how it goes:

Send this to 1 person: One person will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter.

Send this to 2-5 people: 2-5 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter.

Send this to 5-10 people: 5-10 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter, and may form a plot on your life.

Send this to 10-20 people: 10-20 people will be pissed off at you for sending them a stupid chain letter and will napalm your house.

Thanks!!!! Good Luck!!!


Chain Letter Type 2

Hello, and thank you for reading this letter. You see, there is a starving little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats. This little boy's life could be saved, because for every time you pass this on, a dollar will be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund. Oh, and remember, we have absolutley no way of counting the emails sent and this is all a complete load of bullshit.

So go on, reach out.

Send this to 5 people in the next 47 seconds. Oh, and a reminder - if you accidentally send this to 4 or 6 people, you will die instantly.

Thanks again!!

Chain Letter Type 3

Hi there!! This chain letter has been in existence since 1897. This is absolutely incredible because there was no email then and probably not as many sad pricks with nothing better to do. So this is how it works: Pass this on to 15,067 people in the next 7 minutes or something horrible will happen to you like:

Bizarre Horror Story #1

Miranda Pinsley was walking home from school on Saturday. She had recently recieved this letter and ignored it. She then tripped in a crack in the sidewalk, fell into the sewer, was gushed down a drainpipe in a flood of poopie, and went flying out over a waterfall. Not only did she smell nasty, she died.

This Could Happen To You!!!

Remember, you could end up just like Pinsley. Just send this letter to all of your loser friends, and everything will be okay.

The point being?

If you get some chain letter that's threatening to leave you shagless or luckless for the rest of your life, delete it.

If it's funny, send it on.

Don't piss people off by making them feel guilty about a leper in Botswana with no teeth, who's been tied to a dead elephant for 27 years, whose only saviour is the 5 cents per letter he'll receive if you forward this mail, otherwise you'll end up like Miranda. Right? Now forward this to everyone you know otherwise you'll find all your knickers missing tomorrow morning.


That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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Default 12-07-2005, 07:59 PM

do i have to send this to someone or my balls will fall off ?
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mr.miyagi is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 08:03 PM

your balls will fall out of their sack and your crotch will be dipped in extra salty vinegar

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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Default 12-07-2005, 08:29 PM

Some chain letter are humerous...but like you said...those are the only ones worth reading...though they seem to be right about my love life.

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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 08:44 PM

only thing i hate more than chain letters are the tons of FW:FW:FW:RE:RE messages i get from every jackass at work. Jesus, good luck, babies and the lamest jokes imagineable hit my inbox every day. To top it off, 5 seconds after i get it, some fuck runs to my cube and wants to know what i thought about it? "lolololo omg that is soooo cute, isnt it??" I JUST WANNA STAB EMM!!!!11
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elstatec is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 08:51 PM

fuck that.

finishing single player computer games blows. credits and shit.

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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by elstatec
fuck that.

finishing single player computer games blows. credits and shit.
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Himmler is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 10:43 PM

rofl i got a kick out of that shit.
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Jin-Roh is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 10:46 PM

cuntass chains eek:
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Judas is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by elstatec
fuck that.

finishing single player computer games blows. credits and shit.

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Himmler is Offline
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Default 12-07-2005, 11:29 PM

i just got this on myspace from some fucking 12 yr old

ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT U OPENED this beacuse in the next 7 days you will:

* have someone fall in love with you
* find a $20.00 bill on the ground
* make-out with the person you like
* your worst enemy will end up dying in a "sudden" car
* your best friend will get you a really nice gift

BUT...first you will have to repost this with 1 of these titles:

" i fucked ur mom last nite"
"hey tell ur mom that she still owes me $50"
"i caught ur BEST FRIEND w/ur BOYFRIEND"
"OMG he has a small dick !"
"i still dance to sir-mixalot"
"Guess who i like"
" Dance, dance"
" he asked me out"
" I sucked his dick last night"
"i'll tell you who i like in this"
" shake that LaFfY tAfFy"
"she is such a hoe!!!"

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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 12-08-2005, 07:08 AM

I just got one in the mail from my brother of all people. It says to buy 10 lottery tickets and mail them off to ten people, his letter came witha ticket but Im sending it back to him. I dont want any part of this crap
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Pyro is Offline
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Default 12-08-2005, 09:33 AM

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":3fc81]I just got one in the mail from my brother of all people. It says to buy 10 lottery tickets and mail them off to ten people, his letter came witha ticket but Im sending it back to him. I dont want any part of this crap[/quote:3fc81]
Wait to see if it wins first...don't want to know you just gave your brother back millions when it could be yours...unless it is the scatch one and then just do i and send back a loser.

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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 12-08-2005, 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by "Sgt>Stackem":3ae5b
I just got one in the mail from my brother of all people. It says to buy 10 lottery tickets and mail them off to ten people, his letter came witha ticket but Im sending it back to him. I dont want any part of this crap
Wait to see if it wins first...don't want to know you just gave your brother back millions when it could be yours...unless it is the scatch one and then just do i and send back a loser.[/quote:3ae5b]

you dont understand, I have two brothers and the one that sent it is the one i rarely get along with. Id rather send him back a million dollar winner than take it under false pretences and have him hold it over me till I die. If I dont do the chain letter thing it says to return it, so I will
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JBird is Offline
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Default 12-08-2005, 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
only thing i hate more than chain letters are the tons of FW:FW:FW:RE:RE messages i get from every jackass at work. Jesus, good luck, babies and the lamest jokes imagineable hit my inbox every day. To top it off, 5 seconds after i get it, some fuck runs to my cube and wants to know what i thought about it? "lolololo omg that is soooo cute, isnt it??" I JUST WANNA STAB EMM!!!!11

ROFL you just described to the T what happens in my office too...


i just fucking recieved this in my work inbox AS i was posting....

I am claiming this for you!
>Here is your financial blessing! It's a simple prayer, you got 30 seconds?
>Don't sleep on this....Someone recently read this for the first time and
>received exactly enough for a $0 balance on all credit cards.
>If you need a financial blessing, continue reading this email.
>Heavenly Father, most Gracious and Loving God, I pray to you that you
>abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a >family is more
>than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who
>believe and trust in you. Father, I send up a prayer request for financial
>blessing for not only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all >that I
>have forwarded this message on to. And that the power of joined prayer by
>those who believe and trust in you is more powerful than anything. I thank >you
>in advance for your blessings. Father God, deliver the person reading this
>right now from debt and debt burdens. Release your Godly wisdom that I >may be a
>good steward over all that You have given me Father, for I know how
>wonderful and mighty you are and how if we just obey you and walk in your >word and
>have the faith of a mustard seed that you will pour out blessings. I thank >you
>now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings >yet
>to come because I know you are not done with me yet. In Jesus name, I >pray,
>TAKE 60 SECONDS and send this on quickly and within hours, you will have
>caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other.
>Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life for doing the
>thing that you know He loves.

^ shouldnt there be a law against shit like this. i mean honestly.

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