"You wanted more videos? YOU GOT IT!!! Welcome to El Alamein. If any of you have been watching the test server on All Seeing Eye lately, you'd see what we've been testing. This is it ladies and gentleman, El Alamein DCON STYLE!!. Gaverty has gone above and beyond with the next installment of videos for DCON. This features a great sound track and SOME INSANE FOOTAGE. So get ready for a ride and a half. Enjoy the video and thank you all for supporting us. Please be sure to tip Clooney as you walk out the door for his excellent replication of El Alamein. From all of us at Desert Conflict thank you all again and ENJOY THE SHOW"
Desert Conflict Team
NOTE: This is only a MAP preview the objects contained in the video are not the ones that will be in Desert Conflict
39Mb / 5mins02secs.
Right click, save as.
http://files.filefront.com/Dcon_El_Alam ... einfo.html
"Thank you all for replying with your thoughts. please bear with us on the custom vehicles. Its a lot easier for me to make a map than it is to get a new model in game and working perfectly. As for my work, expect the landscape to remain the same but bases will look somewhat different than in the video once its finished, I am patiently awaiting the custom statics which some of you all know will be fully enterable(unlike the vanilla BF2 buildings). Oh and if anyone has any doubt that this map might be ported and its exactly the same as the original, please think again, none of us here are busting our butts just to have EA shut us down in the end. Everything we are doing is made to look the same but we are not copying and pasting anything. Lots of thought and planning is going into every aspect of this mod. We are here to keep Desert Combat alive, not steal it!!"
This video is just of regular BF2 vehicles fighting in El Ala', so it doesn't have the objects and vehicles in just yet, its more to show the map, looks nice so far. cool: