Special forces, fear the performance -
12-10-2005, 09:30 PM
Actually received this today in the post as an early birthday present. After reading the reviews of its shitty stability i wasn't inspired with confidence.
Anyway, i install the patches install the game and try to connect to a server, i promptly get told to fuck off, or as the game put it "this server does not allow modified content". eek: Okk.
End up uninstalling bf2 and special forces and reinstalling both. Dload the patch and all is well. I connect to a server and get greeted by a fucking chugfest worthy of F.E.A.R on its highest settings. I really don't get it, its the same engine, same player limits probably the same budget on polygon counts on models and yet it runs like ass.
I ended up flying the apache from the carrier to the land and my fps musta been around 15 at most as soon as i was floating about over the main island (some weird map where the mec have to assault a us carrier).
Ended up i stayed in the carrier and fought off the hordes of suiciding ragheads along with the rest of the tobacco chewin hicks for the majority of the map.
Some of the new introductions to the game are pretty fun though i must admit, having a gappling hook and being ale to scale up just about anything opens up a TON of new positions to snipe from or just spots to rattle the shit out of people with mg fire and they won't have much of a clue where its coming from.
The tear gas is a pretty good addition as well, a weird double vision\distortion effect that makes it near impossible to hit anything. Though you can hit the 8 key to put on a mask and you wont get affected by it (dont think everyone has the mask option though).
Theres some good ideas in the expansion but thats where the problem is, its an expansion. If half the new stuff in this was in the original game then the original would have been even more fun to play( mosta the shit in this was slated for the original game but the expansion got most of it so they could ship bf2 quicker) . But the fact that its an expansion with horrible performance will put most people off it.
Would possibly be worth the money if it perfomed better, the new heli's from what ive seen behave more or less the same as in bf2 but with really lame firing sound effects. Suppose the mission with the fighting inside the ship does make a bit of a difference, also a lot of night maps where you have nightvision etc. Retardedly enough some of the classes have access to 6 flashbangs which have a really exagerrated effect and they can be a real pain in the balls, (yes they affect vehicle drivers as well).
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.