My tv is made by some company named "Gtech". I just bought a new dvr and i'm attempting to program the tv. The brand model list in the back of the book didn't have anything gtech related annoy: . Ive been to the website and can't find anything on it's codes for tv's. If you guys could check your manual for codes for gtech, i'd greatly appreciate it.
( which is where i go to find mine when i need to reprogram )
this particular brand seems to be obselete, just about. I googled the codes and can't find anything! I just decided to go ahead and email the coporation and hope that they will send me the codes without telling me to buy a new remote or somethin'.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
The tv i got from my neighbor before she moved away. She sold it to me for like 40 bucks! It's 20' flat screen with stereo sound. Good deal if you ask me. She didn't have the original remote for it though. I'll find the code one way or another