College laptop... -
07-01-2006, 12:50 AM
So I had my college orientation this past sunday and monday at James Madison University. I needed a laptop since my laptop is too old and I dont want to lug around my desktop. So my dad and I were in the bookstore looking at laptops, and I finally came to the I want a Dell or a Mac? I've always liked the looks of macs, especially the laptops. I really dont like Dells unless they are the XPS series, and these definitely werent. My dad is a really educated guy who knows a lot about computers, unlike most of my friends' dads, and his computer knowledge was passed onto me through my life... so he let me choose whichever I wanted, and the price didnt really matter...So I chose a Macbook pro. Here's the specs...
15.4 inch screen
2.16 ghz
2 gigs RAM
100 gig hard drive
ati radeon x1600 256mb card
So, Im excited to get it in the mail and start getting used to the feel of a mac. I know a lot of things (games mostly) are compatible with macs these days, and if not i can get a windows emulator or even put windows on the mac. So, opinions? comments? Am I going to regret the decision? Keep in mind this is a college laptop, which means I will use it mostly to do schoolwork or procrastinate schoolwork with AIM and facebook.