[quote:615b0]Ok I'm in a few hours of playing this game. It kinda feels a bit like an MMO. The pace is slow, you spend time walking around trying to find weapons, clothing items, food, etc. You also spend your time trying to hunt down your quarry. There is the additional paranoia of who else might be your hunter.
I figured out that it is best to dispatch your quarry quickly and then make your way to a public part of the ship. That way you can take care of eating or sleeping or whatnot and you can be relatively safe. I did find out, however, that you are not completely safe. If you are sitting in a chair napping in a protected area, you can still be killed by a guy with a pistol or some explosives who is standing outside the camera eye.
http://www.theshiponline.com/videos/The ... railer.wmv
[quote:615b0]I'm figuring out the do's and don'ts of the game. DO look behind you after you pass ANYONE. I don't care if they don't look the least bit suspicious. That least suspicious looking guy is probably your hunter.
DON'T attempt to take care of too many needs at once after you have off'ed your hunter. I found that out the hard way. Turns out that if you kill your hunter you're still not safe for the round. He simply respawns and is still able to track you down and kill you. I attempted the sleep/crap/shower combo and ended up getting whacked in the shower. With a manniquin arm no less. I couldn't believe that he was able to get up there and smoke me so quickly.
DON'T attempt to take a nap in a guarded "safe" area until you make sure there is no clear line of site to any unsafe area. Some of these guys are pretty good shots from a distance. Plus it's not too hard to kill someone who is sleeping in a chair. Newborn kittens are more sporting than that.
DO make sure you find a weapon as quickly as possible. You'll need it to defend yourself as your attacker is sure to have 4 different weapons and will attempt to kill you with each.
DON'T ignore the need to take a leak. I let that one go figuring I would just wet myself and have to take a shower. Oh no, when you have reached "critical mass" your character will stop and do the pee-pee dance for oh about 5-10 seconds leaving you vulnerable to attack. Again, learned that one the hard way.
DON'T for any reason go into a sauna or freezer. Yea there are some sweet weapons in those but they're not worth having your attacker lock you in there and kill you by turning up the heat or turning it off altogether.
DON'T pick up a purse or a wallet that is just lying around with no body near it. It is most likely set there by your attacker and he/she will blow you up with it.
Finally, DON'T stand there watching the prey that you just lit up with a flare gun. If he's smart he'll chase you down and catch you on fire and kill you in his death throes[/quote:615b0]