I figured I'd post these, took them a couple weeks ago, I was torn between making a new thread or just putting them in the photography thread, but since this isn't really about showing off my skillz or anything, thought'd I'd just go ahead and make a new thread.
I went on the base-sponsored trip, not too bad, the coolest part was def. Panmunjeom, in the Joint Security Area, which most of these pictures are from.
We stopped here to look across the Imjin river. This is a bombed-out bridge from the war.
Some South Korean gaurdposts. I first thought the gaurdpost in the background was North Korean, until we crossed a neighboring bridge into what would have been North Korea. The DMZ intertwines alot, especially around the river, so even though it looks as if those are gaurdposts of two different countries, they're not.
We then went to Camp Bonifas, an army camp right below the JSA, named after army Captain Bonifas (more on him later). We got a briefing from our Army tour guide/JSA security gaurd, and this is a slide depicting Camp Bonifas' location relative to the JSA and the rest of Korea.
Our tour guide. We were not allowed to walk down onto the road without their permission, and that was only to go into the Military Armistice Commission building. So my shooting range was kind of limited.
One of the most well-fed soldiers in good Kim's army. Notice the binocular man in the small window to the left.
A South Korean gaurd watching out for us. Notice that there are not any North Korean gaurds on the other side, save the guy up on the stairs. That's because those forward positions are only manned when there are tours going on. No North Korean tour, no NK soldiers standing gaurd. Bummer.
Slow walk across. The MAC Conference Room is on the left.
The position they are standing in is a modified Tae Kwon Do stance. They also wear aviators for intimidation. They also stand halfway exposed when up against one of the buildings, for more protection. They have ball bearings in their pant legs to make it seem like there are more of them than there really are. These guys are hardcore; they have to be over 6'0, meet certain physical requirements, and have 100% mental tougness. I never saw these guys break face.
Another picture of our friend...I swear he's looking at me. Or my Canon telephoto lens.
To our Northwest. NK gaurd tower.
To our Northeast. Some sort of NK meetingplace. With cameras.
A wider view.
In the MAC room...by this time my disposable camera ran out of film, so I was forced to take pictures inside, with my telephoto lens. I tried my best, lol. A South Korean gaurd, again at the Tae Kwon Do stance.
This is the actual table that they discuss North/South stuff at, and the mics lined up represent the actual DMZ. So yes, I am technically in North Korea.
A UN flaggie.
Moving on...rode up the hill and took some pics of the NK countryside.
Another NK gaurdpost, with gaurd.
The tallest flagpole in the world, North Korea. It's 160 meters high and the flag is 300 pounds. It's so heavy that the flagpole can't support its weight when the flag is wet, so it's lowered when it starts to rain. SK has a counter-flagpole, not as big though. Didn't get a chance to take a picture of it.
This is where the Axe Murder incident occured, in 1976. For more on it see
My last picture, the Bridge of No Return. This is where US/SK and Chinese/NK POWs were exchanged. If you were a POW, you had the choice of either staying in the enemy country to live, or cross the bridge and return to your side. If you decided to cross the bridge, you could never go back. Hence the name. This is also where the USS Pueblo prisoners were released.
Hope you guys liked it. beer: