Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by c312
I'll bet people would do shit like this and then complain about being interrogated at Gitmo.
....and they wouldnt be rightfully complaining?
I'd hope that people who work for any government of any free nation wouldnt throw someone into prison because they pulled a silly and stupid prank. I'd also hope that these same officials wouldn't be DUMB enough to think that the site is anymore than an internet gag. Especially after it gets to ZERO and nothing actually happens.
Youve got a "PRANK", and then someone intentionally trying to agitate another person 5 miles above ground. . .fuck that.
Its not really law enforcements job to say "Oh hes just joshing around" - because he MIGHT NOT be joshing around.[/quote:ec26b]
I realise how really stupid it would be to fuck with someone like that in a post-9/11 world but your wasting your own time and resources sending them to gitmo when they're obviously not a terrorist.
Let the pilots and cops take them out back and beat the shit out of them instead, that would be a more logical punishment considering the reality of the threat.
...If he is using that particular site - How could you ever say that he is intentionally trying to blow up the plane? He is intentionally being a real fucking douche and does deserve to be punished, sure....Or he's mentally retarded - But I dont think he thinks its going to blow up seeing as he would've had to had seen the site go to zero and do nothing to even know what it is.
Also - I was thinking about this...
What if a guy is browsing the internet on the plane and clicks the link not knowing what it is (we all know this happens, folks) and ends up there? Would you send him to gitmo then?