http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread. ... 0314120932
Before any of you neocon freaks start yellin that this is a non us subject may I remind you that the UK&USA have one of those special relatinship things whereby the UK is the bish kus we are pretty hot & quite the looker on the world stage & the USA is the pimp. Anyways, there's a big debate going on over in queenieland as to whether we should upgrade our trident nuke missile system on our submarines. The UK is the only other major country along with Russia & USA, as far as I know, that can launch nukes from a sub. There's also the fact that we pwn in the UN & NATO, permanent seats & a founding member etc. Seeing as we are the bitch in the subject I think it would be rather bad form to have a world fireworks party without Royal approval...
There's also the fact that if any of those far eastern chappies wanted to ruin my clubbing weekend & do to London what the Luftwaffe failed to do, then the glorious service can respond by firing a rather large rocket with the Royal Coat of arms painted on the front & the words 'suck this' under it in latin...
Unfortunately we have some tree hugging hippie types that would rather we throw flowers at them. Personally I'd rather we updated our nukes, we are screwing over the services in the process but better safe than sorry. What does the rest of the world think?