Well this might be a Battle Report topic, but I put it here anyway.When I had the MOHAA MP demo, there was these cheaters all time.WEll i had a funny expierence, which I want to share with you ppl.
Well, once I was a Axis Sniper, in the good ol' the Hunts Sniper Hotel.I was snipin ppl quickly off, until there were few people left.Then, when the "nade rain" stopped, I heard a Springfield takin people off and though this is isnt the way it should be and started lookin him in my window. After a while I didnt see him but he was still picking people off.Then, I heard again a Springfield sound.I looked to the floor below me and saw a black area with a sniper aiming my.. precious jewels

. Well I screamed so hard that my neighbours might even get a heart attack and then the bastard cheater blew me off.I had even blood mod to make things look more fun.Damn that I didnt take a screenshot

. Well anyway, has some1 else some funny expierences with cheaters or something else?
I can't figure anything good on this section