well im recovering from a broken jaw and then going to the rock am ring festival in germany on thursday. after that i suppose its all work work work all summer.
I'm working...just like I have for the last 12 years since I was 16.
Lazy fucks
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
Ive been done school since April...finally done...don't need that shit no more...I'd rather work.
Me...I'm just working till middle april and waiting for allt he special occasions that happen during the summer...mso timprotanly the rock the bells concert on july 20th...and then going to calgary in the middle of august.
i thought you worked at an ice cream shop. or was that last year?
ha yeah, good memory. I managed an ice cream shop at the beach last year, but the owner sold the place. So now I'm back in my home town and found a bartending job at a country club.
I'm going to be leading Week long trips for a summer camp. Canoing and backpacking, rock climbing, mtn. biking, etc. 4 weeks of training (1 week of certification in Lifeguard, CPR, WFA, and 3 of Trip training.) then 7 weeks of trips. See all ya fuckers in the fall.
Ive been done school since April...finally done...don't need that shit no more...I'd rather work.
Me...I'm just working till middle april and waiting for allt he special occasions that happen during the summer...mso timprotanly the rock the bells concert on july 20th...and then going to calgary in the middle of august.