Can you guys PLEASE (and I mean please) make a mod that decreases the amount of ammo that the player carries in SP? I'm sick and tired of running through games not even knowing what another gun sounds like because of 300 rounds of this and 200 rounds of that.
I'm definately up for the challenge of having the ammo count reduced to half of what it is now. The difficulty 'should' make ammo more sparingly and make someone actually THINK about taking that next shot or sneaking up closer to get a better view.
I mean, I pick up full clips from the enemies I kill, which is fine, until ammo is actually taken account for the enemy and he doesn't have a clip yet (never happen today). Why 300 rounds of clips?? Where is the CHALLENGE in ammo management! I always wonder how it would have been if I ran out of ammo for my favorite weapon and had to use a different one. I would actually have to THINK and maybe even toss 'what key was that again' a grenade. I might even think about how to use this weapon to stay alive.. kind of realistic without spoiling the game huh?
Who knows.. maybe we will know WHY a soldier would use his weapon as a club when he spent his last clip in a close quarter battle when he just winged 'im and got up for more.
Somehow we lost the line between SP and MP.
What it should be like *dream cloud and harp music*
Multiplayer - Survive IF you can. Make intelligent decisions and exercise caution at ALL times. Give em LOTS of EVERYTHING BUFFET. That's what it's for. Kill your wife, your mother, your girlfriend. Don't even wait to think, just aim.. shoot.. boom.
More? You got it.
Singleplayer - Survive IF you can. Make intelligent decisions and exercise caution at ALL times. Discern friend from foe and conserve what you have, there might be something unexpected.
RANT - HEY! FPS makers! Challenge us! Not with something harder to hit or a keycard we missed. Make it more personal. Limit our ammo!
Ok.. I'm done.