Whelp, after a long grueling period of hell getting ready for E3, we're finally heading off to E3

. Medal of Honor being 2015's first AAA title, this marks the first time we'll be showing off a major game at E3. So the excitement is pretty high for us. It's hard to believe that it hasn't even really been a full year in hard-core development yet and we've come this far. We definately hope people will like what they see

Must also apologize for any confusion that has arrisen over what's going to be shown at E3 on the floor, and what's behind closed doors. We do know that there will be something shown on the floor, just not exactly sure what (whether the playable stuff will be, or videos of in-game footage). In either case our producer has already landed in LA, and was at the Expo Center setting up some of the stuff and said that the Medal of Honor area in EA's booth looks 'bad ass'

. So again, we're all pretty excited to see what's in store.
Also want to say a big thanks to all of you guys N gals out there looking forward to the game. It's definately nice to know you're out there and we hope that when the game finally ships you guys will enjoy and be impressed.
Thanks for the support

Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers