Just a few things i was wondering.
After playing day of defeat onlne a few things got me thinking about allied assault online.
1. What way will the weapons work? Will you have classes aS in day of defeat that are assigned a single weapon. Or will you start as a guy with a garand (or mauser depending on the team) and find weapons about the map?
2. Whenif you pick up a different weapon can u be an ally and pick up german weapons or will it be limited to the team you are on?
3. If it is a method where you pick up weapons, say for example you pick up a bar or a bazooka. Since these are heavier than the garand will it affect your running speed?
4. Will snipers rule multuiplayer? Anyone that plays day of defeat knows that on omaha the snipers normally rule the map. In medal of honour will the sniper be limited in numbers to 1 per team, or assuming the weapons pick up system i mentioned is in game will anyone be able to find a springfield and use it?
5. If as i said before u can pick up weapons how many weapons will we be able to have simaltaniously or will the weapon we pick up make your current weapon drop. In other words 1 main weapon at any time in multiplayer?
I hope any of you 2015 guys can answer at least some of these as i dont think anyones asked these before
[This message has been edited by Gerard (edited July 18, 2001).]