Server Question?! -
08-08-2002, 12:58 PM
I have a question about server settings. I have a message that pops up in place of "Press fire to join battle" but its one long line. Instead of that i was wondering if someone could tell me how to break it down so that it shows a like a paragraph....? Its in the localization file i have in my global folder on my server's FTP site.
PLEASE HELP, ive been trying to figure this out now for a while
example: (what i have)
1. Wecome to the =|TnP|= Clan Server(Boston), FF is off and Rockets are disabled, Press fire to join the battle"
example: (what i would like to see)
2. Welcome to the =|TnP|= Clan Server(Boston)
FF is off and Rockets are disabled
Press fire to join the battle
Can anyone help? any advice would be much appriciated