Moving sideways -
08-09-2002, 06:23 PM
The last few times I played at the server I had a couple of weird problems ..... After playing for about 30 mins. all of a sudden when I respawn I start moving to the right and I'm not pushing any keys. I can move forward and backward with the keys but not left , I just keep going to the right. Needless to say, this is not good. I tried disconnecting from server and hooking back up to no avail , I have to restart the game to fix it ..... This ever happen to anyone else? Any suggestions as to what to do to keep it from happening ? ..... Another wierd one , I'll be playing along just fine and respawn and I can barely move even when I holster my weapon and I noticed that when I type for chat it comes out in caps and my caps lock is not on ... I'd apppreiate any help as these problems are happening more and more frequently . Do I need to reinstall the game ?