Ello all, I came to the intoduce yourself/sig test forum because I wanted to introduce myself and test my sig

Anywayz, I'm a 14 year old male, currently attending Crossroads middle school. I am an avid computer gamer and have a count of Eleven games installed currently and have an innumerable amout not on my comp. I got a 38.3 GB hard drive so i can fit everything in one neat little package :lol: I have a very good computer because its sole purpose is to game, besides listening to music. 5.1 speaker system=SB Audigy. Windows XP Professional. AMD Anthalon Motherboard. 256 MB of RAM. And a badass video card. I'm content 8) Anyway I'm getting a pic of my desktop for the offtopic forum Desktop Thread as we speak, and I look foward to good times with all. :wink: