Cant access same server from 2 comps on my LAN behind router -
08-13-2002, 12:16 PM
I have 2 computers on my LAN hooked up to the internet through my linksys router then cable modem. Now my brother and I can play MP on different servers at the same time, but if we try to get on the same server one of us gets kicked. I am assuming because the server sees the same ip address trying to connect. Is there anyway around this?
It's not because of the IP address.. I've seen 4 guys with the same IP address join our server. Maybe the problem is that you are both using the same registration code for both installs... if you want to play on the same server at the same time maybe you need to buy a second copy of the game. ::shrug::
I too run a lan with 2 computers but could not access the same server.
I have a cable modem and use the same registered cd.
I can now play on the same server by doing the following.
set one pc with the cable moden using a seperate lan card and then use internet sharing by microsoft. this works just fine for my wife and I. I never did get it to work through a separate router.
I don't know if this will help but atleast it worked for me.
Good luck
The Rock (UK)
let me know if you're succesfull. :wink:
I don't know if this helps, but I have my computers networked through a Belkin router to my cable modem. I read the on-line documentation for my router, and it says that only one computer behind the router can play on-line games at a time because of the NAT firewall. I know a friend of mine who had the same problem as you, but I don't know if he ever figured out the solution. Wintersforge?
Vega we are not using the same registration code for the installs, we are playing with two separate store bought legal copies.
Korvac this is a NAT router with the firewall, but i havent checked the router's documentation yet :oops:
Anteaus we tried him logging in first fine and he started playing, then when i tried to get on the same server the connection timed out, then when i tried again I got on but my brother got kicked. :-? Could it possibly be a server problem? We tried a different server and the same thing happened, i just assumed it was due to the router.
ianrfaulkner I have never messed with ICS, maybe i'll give that a try.
I wonder if i need to foward a port on the router or something. :-?
Nope. While I was looking I found a X-mas tree ornament on someones ankle, but it wasn't mine. (I know you will reply concerning the baby so don't bother).
For those of you who do not understand the above it is super leet talk. If you don't know don't ask.