Custom textures are geting gay! -
08-13-2002, 04:15 PM
Ok guys, I have the pk3 done for my texture. In my RAD I can see the folder, but I can't see the actual txture in my texture list
I read this in the message box
Loading texture small_sumo/ap_olajuwon_waves...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/small_sumologo...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumo_jh_rivplate1...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumotan...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumotan...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumotanlogo...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumotanlogo...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/sumotanlogox...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/thanks...done.
Loading texture small_sumo/thumbs...failed!
Loading texture small_sumo/ww...done.