System Tweaks?? What do you do?? -
10-04-2002, 01:05 PM
Was wondering what you guys do if anything about tweaking your PC, O/S, or internet connection.
I have WinXP as my O/S and did a few things to custmize and tweak it. Here are a few things i've done:
Removed all shortcuts from the desktop (Not needed when you have a taskbar and start menu)
Disabled windows default sounds (Not needed...i like it quiet)
Customized start menu for quick access to progs.
Cleaned start menu of stupid links and removed mutiple shortcuts (How many shortcuts do i need for Windows player??)
Only 4 progs running in "Start up" (I'll turn things on when i want them on)
Disabled Screen saver (Not needed)
Disabled Error reporting (Absolute dumbest thing from about privacy invasion)
Uninstalled Windows messenger (Who uses this anyway??.....really!!)
Disabled "Low diskspace notification (not needed)
Disabled WinXP firewall (How many firewalls does one need anyway)
Turned off "Zip Folders" (Couldn't get used to that look)
Set WinXP to classis look (WinXP looks too cartoonish for me)
Removed shared documents folder (Saves me the trouble to cut/paste files i want to share to that folder...i just name the folders i want to share on my network)
Disabled search assistant (Especially that retarted dog)
Installed a registry tweak for my cable connection
Update my drivers and also my Router BIOS
Purge .tmp .old .gid .bak files from my comp on a daily basis
Defrag when necessary
These are just a few things i did to speed up and customized my system. My system runs smooth and error free for the most part.
What do you guys do to your systems??
The world is my urinal