NoClanDo is a new gaming community being launched over the next few days. Although the site is up and running and accepting members it will improve in time with new features and of course new members.
NoClanDo is geared around creating an online community of players who meet, game anf have fun online. Its really all the benefits of regular gaming buddies, discussions etc. Always somebody online to game with. All the benefits of a clan whilst not being one or ever intending to be one. hence "No Clan Do".
Yes, before you ask, MOHAA is a major featured game !!
That said their are members of NoClanDo who belive its ethos of gaming for fun, but also want to be in a clan.. hence we also support sub-community clans for those who want top specialise in a single game.
For those just looking to extend their community of contacts drop by our site, sign up and start enjoying .....
email: (also my msn id)
Hope to see you on the site soon.