Bon Voyag-ee! -
08-09-2002, 04:01 PM
Well, I'm off to do my two weeks of AT (Annual Training). This is when all Reservists/National Guardsmen do their summer training/excersices. Because of Sept. 11, this year we are going to Fort Knox, KY to the MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrian) site there. It's built by Disney Corp., so the buildings explode, bridges collapse, cars catch on fire, etc.
I will leave tomm morning the 10th to AUG 24th, and no, I cannot play MOH. :cry: I won't even be able to use a PC. Anyways, I'll cya all when I get back. Hopefully I'll be able to bring a camera and take some kickass pics. Cya all when I get back!
PS: I'm going to send a select few people that I know and trust the files that I've been working on. If AA.COM's email is not up by tonight, I would ask that one of these people submit it to both the AA.COM and TMT file sections. You will get my email tonight. I'll be on the svr tonight for a little bit, not too long though. Cya all then!
PSS: I'll up my bazooka mod, and me n ktogs nades temporarly to my AOL accound so you guys can dload it and play while we wait for AA.COM. Enjoy!