Some really neat key bindings i've done -
08-31-2002, 07:54 AM
Just by goofing around in the console, I found some really neat binds that you can use. What the grenade one does is when you hold down the key, the game takes out a grenade, and when you let go of the key you pushed, it goes back to your last used weapon. The pistol script is the same thing, just instead of grenades, it takes out a pistol. Finally, the crouch script is you hold down a key to crouch, then let go to stand up.
here they are, to use them, just enter these in your console.
Grenade script:
alias +grenade "useweaponclass grenade"
alias -grenade "uselast"
bind <the key you want to use> "+grenade"
Pistol Script:
alias +pistol "useweaponclass pistol"
alias -pistol "uselast"
bind <the key you want to use> "+pistol"
Crouch Script
alias +crouch "+movedown"
alias -crouch "+moveup"
bind <the key you want to use> "+crouch"
note: I have not tested the crouch script, but will use it later today. You can try it, if it doesnt work, type unbind <the key yiu used for it>. I am certain that this will not mess up your MOH:AA
I hope these help, and make your game more enjoyable. I find these scripts most useful on my 5-button mouse, but work well on the keyboard as well. I have found that all 3 work well, and I use them continously. I hope you like them,