Ubersound and other modified files!!! -
09-05-2002, 08:28 AM
I´ve made some indepth research on why many maps do not work (or sound) as intended by the mapper.
First the sound:
Mappers, like me, that want to include original MOH-sounds must use an Ubersound.scr file that allows all sounds to play! Unfortunately if you have more than 1 modified Ubersound file in your main folder then they will get messed up!
So please don´t put a modified Ubersound directly into your map file, as it´s hard for "normal" MOH gamers to delete it when they have already such a file.
Some modified Ubersound files have some little bugs, not caused by the modder , but more caused by some scripts from 2015/EA.
Best example is the bombticking sound: enabling the bombtick1 and bombtick2 in Ubersound makes the MOH engine decide randomly between
The user-z.pk3 in desertBase-final or -sandstorm still blocks the bombtick2 sound. so you only should hear the regular sound for it!
Using completely new sounds: hmmm sorry, didn´t tried it, but seems more complicated to activate it.
modified .tik files or other.scr files:
if you need them for your map, then please DO NOT include them directly into your map.pk3 file. Just submit it next to the map and make an entry in your Readme for the best usage. These files affect SP, too!
I once have added a .tik file into my very first release of DesertBase some months ago. I apologize for this and hope you delete this old map, replacing it with the new one!
So please mappers AND admins of servers take care, as .tik and Ubersound files seems controlled Server-Side!!!!
Use only one modified Ubersound (maybe my user-z.pk3, created with Wombat excellent tool). And put only files into your map.pk3 that don´t modify any original file at any time!!
Please post here any thoughts and corrections as I might be wrong with some statements! And don´t get me wrong, it´s not my intention to offend a mapper! I just want to play MOH maps with all the features that are included.