Creating Skins that work without having to use 'Force Models -
09-27-2002, 09:00 PM
Hey guys,
To preface....I'm NOT an avid modder, programmer, or genius. I am just good at figuring out what others have done.
I have successfully created our clan avitar (45th Inf.Div. "Thunderbirds") and am in the process of trying to create a custom "Skin" or uniform for each member (to include individual ranks and regimental insignia) in our clan. Problem is that even with ALL members having the .pk3 file(s) in their MOHAA/main folders, the new skins are ONLY visible with "Force Models" selected in Multiplayer Options...arghhh
Here's what I've done. I have downloaded and examined just about every skin posted at (they all do the same thing too). I have just created my own graphics replacement files (with different/new names of course to avoid file reference confusion) and properly edited the file name references in the shad. and .tik files.
I know I did it right because they look GREAT...just as I entended...and work exactly the same as the numerous .pk3 skins I've downloaded here. I just have that ONE TOUGH problem!! arghhhh.
Surely there is a way around this as I can see map and vehicle alterations from downloaded pk3 mods.
PLEASE help me.....but in simple, non-computer genius terms.
By the way...Yes, I have thoroughly searched the internet til my hands bled and my head ached for tutorials (walk throughs) in this area. PLEASE HELP!! Thank you VERY much!!