Anti-Cheat Development -
09-04-2002, 10:53 PM
theres a post today in this forum showing working examples of a number of cheats recently released. thats fucked.... no 2 ways about it.
you are always gonna have cheats but informing people that they exist while doing noting to prevent them is fkn stupid... and anyone wants to dispute that step up.
now i found the authors original release of that cheats pack along with revisions since then including the PK3 files.... and i had that pk3 in under 3 seconds from leaving this site. now we know that this shit works (to whatever degree dont matter) but the fact that it will go completely undetected is worse. aint nothin stopping anyone from using it.
now what shits me just as much as people cheating is idiots relying on pissweak and flawed solutions to fix it. we got fkn rounds of appluase for some guy thinks that spectating a player is a "powerful tool" against cheaters.... i mean seriously WHAT THE FUCK??? you can get this same effect by NOT spectating.... just randomly kick/ban players and accuse them of cheating and miss the majority and youlll get yaself just as good a strike-rate as you can by spectating someone. you got nothing to prove or even suggest that they were or not and you will sure as shit miss the majority that do.
now heres the point... i read a few days ago that rcon can return a list of filenames and variables that a player is running. now depending on how much info on a players setup can be gotten through rcon this is something that can actually be done about identifying cheats. since we already have tools for server admins that run automated rcon commands to get info returned for players this looks to me like something could be implemented as an anti-cheat program.
i cant code so i cannot do this. the only thing i can offer.... like every other MoH player who does not want to play againsts cheats.... is to report these cheat files once they are found so that anti-cheat server tools can be developed. so at the very least can we please get a stickynote up on these forums with some developers contact info that can actually do some good by getting their hands on newly released cheats. i private messaged someone about getting this contact info but i didnt find those cheats today.... someone else did.... so make the contact info visisble if its to be used.
i did read a post that some anti-cheat program was being developed but that it was "hush hush" at the moment..... well fuck me you wanna guess how usefull this is? it sure aint available on any of the servers i play on. its not informing us that they know of certain cheats and something is being done.... the cheaters are *sometimes* informing us of cheats and that theres nothing to stop them doing so. all i know is that every week i play more and more people are cheating and still nothing being done to stop it. this is whats known for certain at present.
as ive said a number of times with no official support from EA for patches.... without online CD-ID verification and distributed banning there is nothing to stop cheats and no deterrant if they are caught. if something IS being done that you know of then for fucks sake give the players some fkn info so they can help out with it. like i said.... i found out something got released and 3 seconds later i have the binary.... i dont cheat so i got no incentive to look for these releases every day.... how bout some incentive for people like me to do so and pass it onto someone who can do some good with it?