Well after coelateing the names I've been given I emailed wombat and scorpio and they voted as stated below.
The name of our new snowey map will be "Blitzschnee" as named by nedfumpkin.
Well done dude and guys, thanks for playing.
A release shouldnt be far of now.
Ok guys it would seam that its high time we got a name for our map. Here is a list of names I've had proposed so if you will just put in a 1 through 3 of the one you like 1 being your favourite.
Thanks for playin
small_sumo wombat scorpio
christmas night Le Bavard
gorky_park Ditch 2
survival in tah snow ??
Snowy Revenge Flipside
Blizzard Assault Flipside 3
Silent Knight Flipside
Sex on the beach Flipside
snow sputnik
snow outpost sputnik
snowy city sputnik
snipers in the snow guvorsch
silent snow guvorsch
snowing sadnes guvorsch
snowton Lay-Zee
sleet war Lay-Zee
blizzard base Lay-Zee
Silent Revenge General-death
Snowed-In SaucyDaSquirrel 3
IndustrialCity SaucyDaSquirrel
Blitzschnee nedfumpkin 1 1
(that is, of course if schnee is actually German for snow.)
Schlacht im Schnee kdja 1 2 2
(Battle in the Snow in german)
Stadt in den Alpen kdja 3
(town in the alps in german)